Answering the question “Where is your critical data?” shouldn’t be a huge challenge, but it often is. When preparing for a digital transformation, or even while you’re in the midst of one, it’s an important question to consider, as are the questions of how it’s accessed and how fast you can get your hands on it.
Perhaps what’s muddying the response to these questions is that there is often a problem with duplication, which means data is scattered about, making acquisition of one particular piece of data a massive undertaking. Yet, most organizations are producing abundant amounts of data on a daily basis and have to look toward methods of capturing it in the right place and organizing it appropriately.
Communication Malfunction
While most people within the workplace are responsible for generating their own data, they aren’t always knowledgeable of who can retrieve it for them. This can lead to silos of data being stored so each individual who creates it knows where to go to find it. That creates a problem down the line when others in the workplace need to access said data.
Departments are putting their data in silos, which might be connected to different technologies than the department down the hall. The communication malfunction extends, then, to the hardware — and perhaps software — necessary to access it. Making the issue even more complex is that software as a service (SaaS) is now highly utilized, which creates yet more silos to contend with.
This is something that needs to be addressed if digital transformation is going to be a success.
The Cloud Solution
Cloud-based services are stepping up to take some of the confusion out of the digital transformation process. The cloud is a unifying force when applied properly to the current data-silo conundrum. It offers scalability, cost savings, and a simplified method of managing data. Furthermore, the cloud, by design, is collaborative. Instead of departments essentially coveting their data, it’s shared throughout the organization.
Getting everyone onboard with a collaborative tool such as cloud-based services can offer its own set of challenges, which is why it’s wise to bring in a third-party agent to ensure that the technology needs are being met across the entire organization.
In fact, navigating the complexities of digital transformation can be made quite a bit less stressful with the right agent at your side. At Truth Comm, we’re providing the services that help clients break down the traditional data silo and achieve improved workflow. Contact us, and let’s find the solutions that will fit your business strategy.